All About Bednarska in English

We believe that a school should:

“There are no children, there are people.
Every child has value.”

~ Janusz Korczak

Bednarska one of a kind

→ An individual approach to learning. 
→ A wide range of foreign language classes (English as well as French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish).
→ Eco trips for students in the first year, in two stages—one at the beginning of the school year, in September, and another at the end, in June. In a rural area of north-eastern Poland, students learn how to live an ecologically sustainable life. They travel by bike or walk, take part in daily activities such as collecting brushwood and cooking their own meals, and sleep in tents or barns. They have no internet connection!
→ Volunteer activities, which are an important element of the school’s curriculum.
→ Electives in the arts (drawing, painting, filmmaking, acting).
→ Close and respectful relationships between teachers and students. 
→ Support for students’ individualism, in all its forms.
→ International cooperation: ESN (European School Network).

Our inspiration and Our patron

Playlist of videos about Bednarska

YouTube Media BDNR playlist: All About Bednarska in English

Presentation All About Bednarska

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